Wildlife Works, Inc
Wildlife Works, Inc
P.O Box 113, Youngwood, PA 15697 (724) 925-6862
EIN: 25-1719093
Welcome to Wildlife Works, Inc
Please note: Our phones are only being answered M-F 10am - 3pm. No one is in the office in the evenings or weekends to take calls. If it is necessary to leave a message during our off hours, please be patient while waiting for a return call. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
It is imperative to schedule an appointment. As always, our goal is to give all patients the best possible care. In order to do so, we will need to be prepared for their arrival and be sure we will be staffed to maintain the level of care.
- Please Do Not Show Up Without an Appointment! There may be no staff here to help you or you may be turned away.
- Other Wildlife Rescue Resources:
- Wildlife In Need Emergency Response of Pennsylvania at 814-414-4224
- PA Game Commission at 1-833-742-4868
- PAWR.com for info on other rehabbers in the area
- Please continue to check this page for updates on our status.
Please drive slowly when coming out to the wildlife center - for any reason. Please do so to show respect for our neighbors and to watch out for wildlife.

If you see an animal that may be in distress, please refer to our Wildlife Rescue Rules before intervening. In many situations, it is actually better to leave the wildling alone! But if you do need to intervene, this resource also includes suggestions on how to handle wildlife situations.
Lottery Calendars
Wildlife Rescue Rules
It's that time of year again - we are selling lottery calendars! For just $25 you get a lottery number for all of 2025; minimum winnings are $30 with Saturdays and holidays paying more.
Contact the office for yours today: 724-925-6862 or wildlifeworks@comcast.net

Summer/Fall 2024 Newsletter
Another Generous Grant from Avangrid!
Another Generous Grant from Avangrid!
2023 Update
Wildlife Works, Inc. is once again pleased to announce our receipt of a grant from the Avangrid Foundation. This is the eighth year we have been awarded funding from Avangrid Foundation, building a partnership that has improved and enhanced our ability to continue our important, life-saving work.
Each year, Wildlife Works offers internship opportunities to high school and college students with majors in biology, veterinary medicine or other environmental fields of interest. This year’s grant is to fund a paid intern program. The ability to hire one or two interns for the spring/summer busy baby season will enhance standards of care while easing the burden on our core staff.
We are looking forward to baby season 2023, knowing we will be better able to manage our patient load and our staff scheduling because of the Avangrid Foundation’s generous grant.
Thank you, Avangrid Foundation!
Admission Appointments
Admission Appointments
Making an appointment before you bring an admission to our facility is vital to the recovery of your wild animal friend! As much as we wish that our facility could be staffed 24/7, our volunteers are only on-premise from 10:00 AM until 10:00 PM at the latest; our office is staffed from 10:00 AM -2:00 PM Monday through Friday. For the safety of every animal, and to improve our ability to administer care in a timely fashion, no wildlife admissions should ever be “dropped off” at our door.
Animals that are “dropped off” without our knowledge are susceptible to
- Inclement weather: Rain, snow, extreme cold, or extreme heat and consequent dehydration.
- Predation: A wounded animal in a box easily becomes a target for hungry predators.
- Premature release: The animal could escape before we ever found it and had a chance to help.
- Being accidentally ignored: Even if there are volunteers on-premise, they might overlook a small box or carrier. These few minutes, or a few hours can make a difference to a badly wounded animal.
Always call the Wildlife Works office to let us know that you have an animal admission before you come to our facility. Having someone ready to accept a wounded animal ensures that we can collect accurate information about the circumstances behind its injury, and to prepare an appropriate enclosure ahead of time. To best allow us time to prepare, we prefer to receive animal admissions between 11:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Monetary donations made at the time of admission are deeply appreciated to us as a non-profit with no funding or sponsorship.
Please also note that Wildlife Works Youngwood is NOT licensed to care for or accept rabies vector species, including raccoons, skunks, bats, coyotes, foxes, or groundhogs. We also do not admit fawns or adult deer. Wildlife Works Mt. Pleasant IS licensed to take RVS. If you find a wounded rabies vector animal, please contact Morgan Barron at 412-732-4076 or you may consult the Pennsylvania Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators via http://pawr.com/.
Please drive slowly both on the way in & out of our street

Cute Fix!
Cute Fix!
Supplies Needed!

Wildlife Works, Inc. is always in need of various supplies to keep our wildlings happy and healthy! Look on our Donations tab (under More...) for the latest list of supplies that we are in need of, or check out the wishlist below and click it to download a copy.
Donate to Wildlife Works, Inc. via PayPal
Donate to Wildlife Works, Inc. via PayPal
To download a printable donation form, please click here.
Amazon Wishlist
Amazon Wishlist
Wildlife Works, Inc has created a wish list on Amazon.com that contains supplies that we are currently in need of. Through this list, you can have your donated supplies shipped directly to us via Amazon.com! To see our wish list, click here!
If you have found an injured or orphaned wild animal,
please contact us at
(724) 925-6862!
If you have found an injured or orphaned wild animal,
please contact us at
(724) 925-6862!