Wildlife Works, Inc
Wildlife Works, Inc
P.O Box 113, Youngwood, PA 15697 (724) 925-6862
EIN: 25-1719093
Current Expanded Volunteer Opportunities
Current Expanded Volunteer Opportunities
Wildlife Works, Inc. is experiencing tremendous growth and improvement, and along with that comes the need for volunteer work in new and expanding areas. We are looking for willing individuals to fill the volunteer vacancies listed below. For the most part, these positions have flexible hours and require minimal presence at our facility. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact our office at (724) 925-6862 or fill out a contact form here.

Animal Care Volunteers - Wildlife Works, Inc. is currently looking for animal care volunteers to work in as rehabilitators in our facility. Animal care volunteers are responsible for handling, cleaning, feeding, and medicating the animals in our hospital facility and in our outdoor enclosures, as well as other tasks to maintain to support the cleanliness and well being of our patients. If you are interested, please see the animal care volunteer brochure below and contact us at (724) 925-6862! You must be 18 or older to volunteer. For more information, see the volunteer informational brochure.
Grant Writing Coordinator - Our organization is always in need of more funding to continue our work. We are looking for people willing to research for sources of and apply for grants. Responsibilities would include: researching, applying for, and researching the progress of available wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education grants available to us, seek local industry partnerships, and communicate with the social media administrators to disseminate information regarding grants we have been awarded and the progress of any grant-related projects.
Fundraising Chairperson and Committee Members - We are looking for several people to organize and track fundraising opportunities, both local and online. Responsibilities would include: coordinating with media and educational outreach groups to make the public aware of our future fundraisers, recruit and coordinate individual volunteers for specific events, maintain records of contacts and fundraising drive results, brainstorm and execute new fundraising ideas.

Fundraising Volunteers - This is one of our most crucial volunteer positions. If you would like to help our organization, but lack finances to donate directly, this is an opportunity to make a huge difference in a small way! We are in need of volunteers to help execute our numerous fundraising campaigns. Typically on a sparse and on-call basis, a wide range of help is needed, such as: help to set up and plan for events, put together and send mailings, pass out catalogues and brochures for fundraisers among family, friends, and co workers, sell raffle tickets and promotional items within your circle of contacts, and create baked and crafted items for sales and events that we hold throughout the year. You would be able to volunteer for as many or as few opportunities as you are willing and capable of. Fundraising is what keeps our facility running, so any help is a big help!

Educational Speaker - One of the goals of our organization is to increase awareness and knowledge of our rehab center, as well as the human impact on local wildlife. We are looking for speakers willing to aid us in this goal and allow us to reach more people than ever before. Speaking skills, basic computer skills, and knowledge of PowerPoint programing are a must. All applicants must also have reliable transportation that has room to transport animals to the various venues. Those people interested will be paired with our current presenter for training until the new volunteer is comfortable with all aspects of this position. Other necessary tasks include: scheduling requested programs, loading and transporting our educational animals, bringing supplies donations back to the facility after the program, recording basic information about each program, and sending out thank-you notes.

Grounds Keeping Volunteers - The grounds of our property consistently need upkeep to keep the facility running smoothly. Seasonal help is needed to clean up and fix up the property. This would include leaf and brush clean-up, minor landscaping, and small handyman projects. This volunteer opening is perfect for outdoor oriented people with a few hours here and there to pitch in. This is also an excellent option for community groups and organizations who may be able to exchange services with our educational outreach program or willing to volunteer their time.
Errand Volunteer - We always need helpful volunteers to run errands for us! This might include: picking up supplies, transporting wildlings, delivering medications, as well as many other small but important tasks that are always on our to do list. This position would be a tremendous help to our day-to-day operations.

Eagle Scout Projects - Wildlife Works, Inc. is always happy and willing to accomodate any Eagle Scout candidates looking for a service project. We consistently have ideas for new projects that need done at our facility!